Could not save pictures into db with Maui and SQlite episode2

Episode 1 here


Reason for ListView showing Items of picture

 ListView must have a List to show at MainViewModel(Binding Context) not only binding ItemSource at Xaml.


Add the code at MainViewModel then, bind ItemSource.

For your information, [ObserverProperty] can generate automatically to Capital G "GazouByte" at Xaml ItemSource from field gazouByte at MainV MainViewModel

  • namespace WorkReview.ViewModels;

    public partial class MainViewModel : ObservableObject

    private string? statusMessage;

    private List<GazouByte>? gazouBytes; //here, List for MainPage

    private ImageSource? userPreview; //MainPageのプレビュー用

    private string? gazouName; //ファイル名

    private byte[]? gazouBinary; //画像のバイナリデータ

    private string? gazouExtension; //拡張子情報



    public MainViewModel()
    { }

    private void OnGetAllGazou() //画像リストの取得ボタン
    GazouBytes = App.GazouByteRepo.GetAllGazouBytes();
    StatusMessage = "got all file list"; StatusMessage = "got all file list";


    private void OnFileSave()
    if (gazouName == null) return;

    var gazouByte = new GazouByte
    GazouName = gazouName!,
    GazouBinary = gazouBinary!, //!はNull出ないことを宣言

    GazouExtension = gazouExtension!,


    StatusMessage = "file saved";


    private async Task OnFileSelect() //非同期でTaskとして結果を返す




    var result = await FilePicker.PickAsync();

    if (result == null) return;

    var fileName = result.FileName;

    if (fileName.EndsWith("jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||

    fileName.EndsWith("png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


    using (var stream = await result.OpenReadAsync())

    using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())


    await stream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);

    gazouName = fileName;

    gazouBinary = memoryStream.ToArray();

    gazouExtension = result.ContentType;

    var previewStream = new MemoryStream(memoryStream.ToArray());

    UserPreview = ImageSource.FromStream(() => previewStream);





    StatusMessage = "Unsupported file type.";



    catch (Exception ex)


    StatusMessage = $"Error selecting file: {ex.Message}";






 As you can see from my past questions, I've been a bit of a pain with my inquiries. I'll try to be more considerate in the future.

 I've realized I still have a lot to learn about MVVM and XAML.

 But I was really impressed by how easily the people who answered my questions were able to solve problems I'd been stuck on for a week. I hope to be able to do that someday too.

 I learned a lot just by asking questions, so thanks for that.

Could not save pictures into db with Maui and SQlite Episode1


I am creating file manager software with Maui and SQlite, so I reworked this page project

.NET MAUI アプリで SQLite を使用してローカル データを格納する - Training | Microsoft Learn

- YouTube*1

and save pictures into the db.
However, I cannot save pictures into the db also Listview does not show list.
Then, I ask a question in Teratail and StackOverflow.

 Honestly, you can understand the error easily in these page than this blog . I wrote this page for my memorization

Problem Overview

What you are trying to do: I am trying to save image binary data into a SQLite database named gazouByte.db3 when the "Save" button is pressed after selecting an image file using a file picker. Additionally, I want to display the list of saved images, including their "Id," "File Name," and "Extension," in a CollectionView on the MainPage when the "Get All GazouList" button is pressed. What issue you are facing: The image binary data is not being saved to the gazouByte.db3 database. When clicking the "Get All GazouList" button, only "got all file list" is displayed, and the "Id," "File Name," and "Extension" are not shown. Note that the table gazouByte has been confirmed to be created using "DB Browser for SQLite."


  • Expected Behavior

    When starting debugging, a table named gazouByte should be created in the app data. After selecting an image using the file picker, the selected image should be previewed under "Select File." When clicking the "Save File" button, the image data should be saved into the gazouByte.db3 database. Clicking the "Get All GazouList" button should display the "Id," "File Name," and "Extension" of the saved images in the CollectionView.

  • What I Have Tried

    Verified that exception handling in GazouByteRepositry.AddNewGazouByte method is correctly implemented. Confirmed that the table gazouByte is created using "DB Browser for SQLite." Noticed that a System.NullReferenceException occurs when pressing the "Save File" button again without selecting a new image.

  • Error Messages and Logs

    No error messages are displayed, but the image data is not saved.

  • Environment

    Windows 11 Home 23H2 Visual Studio Community 2022 Preview 17.11.0 Preview 4.0 Microsoft.Maui.Controls 8.0.80 Microsoft .NET SDK 8.0.107 (x64) SQlitePCLRaw.bundle_green 2.1.9 sqlite-net-pcl 1.9.172 CommunityToolkit.Mvvm 8.2.2

    db at DBbrowser


The question pages


 Reason for not saving into db

  • The project had created db dupulicately that's why picture was not saved

  • MainviewModel recreated another db even db had already created at MauiProgram.cs, so pictures were not saved correct path.


    namespace WorkReview
    public static class MauiProgram
    public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
    var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
    .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
    fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
    fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
    string dbPath = FileAccessHelper.GetLocalFilePath("gazouByte.db3");
    builder.Services.AddSingleton< GazouByteRepositry> (s => ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance< GazouByteRepositry> (s, dbPath));//Creating db as instance at App folder.

    ↑ here

    return builder.Build();

      • using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
        using System.Linq;
        using System.Text;
        using System.Threading.Tasks;
        using CommunityToolkit;
        using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
        using WorkReview.Models;

        namespace WorkReview.ViewModels
        public partial class MainViewModel : ObservableObject
        private GazouByteRepositry _gazouByteRepositry;

        public MainViewModel()
        _gazouByteRepositry = new GazouByteRepositry("gazouByte.db3");

        //↑ Create duplicately db at here

        public string gazouName;

        public string gazouPath;
        public byte gazouBinary;
        public string gazouExtension;

        public void SaveGazouToDataBase()//MainPageから渡された画像データをRepositryへ送る。
        var gazouByte = new GazouByte
        GazouName = gazouName,
        GazouBinary = gazouBinary,
        GazouExtension = gazouExtension


        _gazouByteRepositry.AddNewGazouByte(GazouName, GazouBinary, GazouExtension);




      I deleted the line and insert picture data directly into dbPath throw App.GazouByteRepo."MethodName" .

          • namespace WorkReview.ViewModels;

            public partial class MainViewModel : ObservableObject

            private string? statusMessage;

            private List<GazouByte>? gazouBytes; //MainPageのListView用のリスト。ListViewにはC#側にリストを作る必要がある。

            private ImageSource? userPreview; //MainPageのプレビュー用

            private string? gazouName; //ファイル名

            private byte? gazouBinary; //画像のバイナリデータ

            private string? gazouExtension; //拡張子情報

            public MainViewModel()
            { }

            private void OnGetAllGazou() //画像リストの取得ボタン
            GazouBytes = App.GazouByteRepo.GetAllGazouBytes();
            StatusMessage = "got all file list"; StatusMessage = "got all file list";


            private void OnFileSave()
            if (gazouName == null) return;

            var gazouByte = new GazouByte
            GazouName = gazouName!,
            GazouBinary = gazouBinary!, //!はNull出ないことを宣言

            GazouExtension = gazouExtension!,

            App.GazouByteRepo.AddNewGazouByte(gazouByte);//←forexample here

            StatusMessage = "file saved";


            private async Task OnFileSelect() //非同期でTaskとして結果を返す




            var result = await FilePicker.PickAsync();

            if (result == null) return;

            var fileName = result.FileName;

            if (fileName.EndsWith("jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||

            fileName.EndsWith("png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


            using (var stream = await result.OpenReadAsync())

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())


            await stream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);

            gazouName = fileName;

            gazouBinary = memoryStream.ToArray();

            gazouExtension = result.ContentType;

            var previewStream = new MemoryStream(memoryStream.ToArray());

            UserPreview = ImageSource.FromStream(() => previewStream);





            StatusMessage = "Unsupported file type.";



            catch (Exception ex)


            StatusMessage = $"Error selecting file: {ex.Message}";






    • Next Episode

*1:In Youtube and .Net . you can watch live streaming video

In Maui 'InitializeComponent()' does not exist in the current context.

Intro (not must read)

  I use Visual Studio 2022LTS regularly . It happens to install Preview version, and the IDE says usualy "'InitializeComponent()' does not exist in the current context.". However, it also says

NETSDK1147    if you want to build this project, you need installing these workload wasi-experimental.  Run this command  for installing dotnet workload restore  .


  I translated error massages from Japanese to English that’s why  sentences is not accurate, But I searched and understand that means workload for Maui and SDK were not installed to my visual studio.
 I have tried  below solutions then errors purged, so I noted this page.


In Maui, I built project for debugging Error List tell me that

  • 'InitializeComponent()' does not exist in the current context.

I tried these steps

  • Reboot PC
  •  Reinstalled VisualStudio and VisualStudio installer

  • Installed must have workloads via VisualStudio installer
  • Rebuilt the project
  • Checked build action at ContentPage is MauiXaml

 My environment

  • date 2024/07/21

  • Visual Studio 2022 version 17.10.4 PRE

  • Maui

  • CommunityToolkit MVVM


My Solution

  1. Open command-line tool  from tool tab

    tool>command-line>developer command-prompt
  2. Execute this  「dotnet workload restore」
  3. After in stalled them, also execute  「dotnet workload install maui」
  4. Reboot your PC after save all
  5. Check resolve or not in same project

Otheres(not must read)

 Have you solve the error?

 This can be unique situation in my environment, so if you have any solution or matter please comment . Thank you for reading.






  • ListViewはXaml側でItemSourceを指定するだけではなく、BindingContextのMainViewModelに表示用のListが必要だった




  • namespace WorkReview.ViewModels;

    public partial class MainViewModel : ObservableObject

        private string? statusMessage;

        private List<GazouByte>? gazouBytes; //MainPageのListView用のリスト。ListViewにはC#側にリストを作る必要がある。 ↑の部分

        private ImageSource? userPreview; //MainPageのプレビュー用

        private string? gazouName; //ファイル名

        private byte[]? gazouBinary; //画像のバイナリデータ

        private string? gazouExtension; //拡張子情報


        public MainViewModel()
        { }

        private void OnGetAllGazou() //画像リストの取得ボタン
            GazouBytes = App.GazouByteRepo.GetAllGazouBytes();
            StatusMessage = "got all file list"; StatusMessage = "got all file list";


        private void OnFileSave()
            if (gazouName == null) return;

            var gazouByte = new GazouByte
                GazouName = gazouName!,
                GazouBinary = gazouBinary!, //!はNull出ないことを宣言

                GazouExtension = gazouExtension!,


            StatusMessage = "file saved";


        private async Task OnFileSelect() //非同期でTaskとして結果を返す




                var result = await FilePicker.PickAsync();

                if (result == null) return;

                var fileName = result.FileName;

                if (fileName.EndsWith("jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||

                    fileName.EndsWith("png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


                    using (var stream = await result.OpenReadAsync())

                    using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())


                        await stream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);

                        gazouName = fileName;

                        gazouBinary = memoryStream.ToArray();

                        gazouExtension = result.ContentType;

                        var previewStream = new MemoryStream(memoryStream.ToArray());

                        UserPreview = ImageSource.FromStream(() => previewStream);





                    StatusMessage = "Unsupported file type.";



            catch (Exception ex)


                StatusMessage = $"Error selecting file: {ex.Message}";











.NET MAUI アプリで SQLite を使用してローカル データを格納する - Training | Microsoft Learn

- YouTube*1






  • ビルド後appファイルにdb.3ファイルを作成
  • file pickerで選択した画像をプレビューに表示
  • 保存押下でdbに画像が保存される

  • 「Get All GazouList」を押下することで「gazouByte.db3」に保存されたファイルの「Id」「ファイル名」「拡張子」がCollectionViewに表示される。


  • GazouByteRepositry.AddNewGazouByte メソッドで例外処理が正しく行われていることを確認
  • 画像を選択し、保存ボタンを押した後、再度画像を選択せずに保存ボタンを押すとSystem.NullReferenceExceptionが発生することを確認
  • Table[("gazouByte")]が作成されていることを「DB Browser for SQlite」で確認



  • 日付 2024/08

  • Visual Studio 2022 バージョン 17.10.4 PRE

  • Maui

  • CommunityToolkit MVVM
  • SQlite




  • データーベースが二重に作成されており、画像の保存ができなかった。
  • MauiProgram.csの次の部分で既に画像dbが作成されているにもかかわらず、  MainViewModelで上書き作成されていたため正しいPathに画像が保存できなかった。

    namespace WorkReview
        public static class MauiProgram
            public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
                var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
                    .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
                        fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
                        fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
                string dbPath = FileAccessHelper.GetLocalFilePath("gazouByte.db3");
                builder.Services.AddSingleton< GazouByteRepositry> (s => ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance< GazouByteRepositry> (s, dbPath));//Appの部分にインスタンスとしてdbを作成


                return builder.Build();



    namespace WorkReview.ViewModels
        public partial class MainViewModel : ObservableObject
            private GazouByteRepositry _gazouByteRepositry;

            public MainViewModel()
                _gazouByteRepositry = new GazouByteRepositry("gazouByte.db3");



            public string gazouName;

            public string gazouPath;
            public byte gazouBinary;
            public string gazouExtension;

            public void SaveGazouToDataBase()//MainPageから渡された画像データをRepositryへ送る。
                var gazouByte = new GazouByte
                    GazouName = gazouName,
                    GazouBinary = gazouBinary,
                    GazouExtension = gazouExtension


                _gazouByteRepositry.AddNewGazouByte(GazouName, GazouBinary, GazouExtension);




  • namespace WorkReview.ViewModels;

    public partial class MainViewModel : ObservableObject

        private string? statusMessage;

        private List<GazouByte>? gazouBytes; //MainPageのListView用のリスト。ListViewにはC#側にリストを作る必要がある。

        private ImageSource? userPreview; //MainPageのプレビュー用

        private string? gazouName; //ファイル名

        private byte? gazouBinary; //画像のバイナリデータ

        private string? gazouExtension; //拡張子情報


        public MainViewModel()
        { }

        private void OnGetAllGazou() //画像リストの取得ボタン
            GazouBytes = App.GazouByteRepo.GetAllGazouBytes();
            StatusMessage = "got all file list"; StatusMessage = "got all file list";


        private void OnFileSave()
            if (gazouName == null) return;

            var gazouByte = new GazouByte
                GazouName = gazouName!,
                GazouBinary = gazouBinary!, //!はNull出ないことを宣言

                GazouExtension = gazouExtension!,


            StatusMessage = "file saved";


        private async Task OnFileSelect() //非同期でTaskとして結果を返す




                var result = await FilePicker.PickAsync();

                if (result == null) return;

                var fileName = result.FileName;

                if (fileName.EndsWith("jpg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||

                    fileName.EndsWith("png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


                    using (var stream = await result.OpenReadAsync())

                    using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())


                        await stream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);

                        gazouName = fileName;

                        gazouBinary = memoryStream.ToArray();

                        gazouExtension = result.ContentType;

                        var previewStream = new MemoryStream(memoryStream.ToArray());

                        UserPreview = ImageSource.FromStream(() => previewStream);





                    StatusMessage = "Unsupported file type.";



            catch (Exception ex)


                StatusMessage = $"Error selecting file: {ex.Message}";








Mauiで 'InitializeComponent()' does not exist in the current context.


 私はVisualStudio2022のLTSを普段は使用しているが、たまたまVisualStudioの再インストールを2度目に行った段階でPREバージョンをインストールしてしまった。今まで通り「'InitializeComponent()' does not exist in the current context.」が表示されたが、さらに

NETSDK1147    このプロジェクトをビルドするには、次のワークロードをインストールする必要があります: wasi-experimental
これらのワークロードをインストールするには、次のコマンドを実行します: dotnet workload restore    





  • 'InitializeComponent()' does not exist in the current context.

  • 'InitializeComponent()'は現在のコンテキストに存在しません。


  • PCの再起動
  • VisualStudioおよびVisualStudioインストーラーの再インストール

  • Maui等の必須ワークロードを再インストール
  • プロジェクト自体の再作成
  • ContentPageのビルドアクションをMauiXamlに変更(初期状態からこれになっていた)


  • 日付 2024/07/21

  • Visual Studio 2022 バージョン 17.10.4 PRE

  • Maui

  • CommunityToolkit MVVM



  1. VisualStudioのツールタブからコマンドプロンプトを開く。

  2. dotnet workload restore」を入力し、インストール完了を待機
  3. インストール完了後「dotnet workload install maui」を入力しインストール完了を待機
  4. すべて保存後PCの再起動。
  5. 該当プロジェクトをVisualStudio2022で確認し、エラーが表示されなければ完了。


